- The JETBLANK can be filled with wax or plastic.
- When nesting, it is important to make sure that the objects at least10mm must be placed inside the blanks to avoid damaging the aluminum ring.
- The (marked) Blank location is already been milled. Possibly in the CNC Software under:
Settings --- --- user settings / adjust Blank position. (turn off)
- For milling of wax (only QuattroMill, Shera, contactor) 2 settings have to be changed:
Feed: 9 mm / s, 8000 rev / min speed of the spindle. These settings can be made immediately in the CNC soft ware, after the start of the milling operations.
- Before any milling the 3 Allen screws have to be tightened.
- In the library a new Blank is registered, it has a height of 20 mm in the respective material (wax, plastic)
We accept no liability for any damage to milling by the improper handling in connection with the JETBLANK.